Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My Hero

We just celebrated my Brother’s official last day in the Army.  We went to a nice place for dinner, a family favorite, (the kind of place that you can wear jeans or really get dressed up).  Mom warned me as I was getting dressed that Gabe was going to wear his Class A’s one more time (that’s Army for dress uniform, for those of you not in the know).  So I quickly rethought my jeans choice (even though this is Colorado and you can practically wear jeans to a wedding) and put on a little dress. 

It had been awhile since I had seen him in his Class A’s.  He had much more bling on his chest then the last time.  Plus, he had his pants tucked into his boots, indicating that he’s airborne (a paratrooper).  He looked so manly.  Sometimes that’s weird for me as the big sister.  It’s like, “Holy cow, we’re old.

We had such a great evening.  Eating delicious Cajun food.  Visiting.  Enjoying each other’s company.  Laughing.  Teaching the ones under four feet tall manners (especially Arthur).  We played “Who are they and why are they here?” With every table we could see.  Hilarity always ensues.  My favorite was the two that were scouting out sites for the Honda Redwing Convention.

My niece kept going around the circle and asking if we wanted to hear a story.  You can’t say no to the adorable three year old.  It starts with “Once about a time…” (instead of “upon,” so precious)  She is the princess.  An evil dragon is down the stairs.  Then, her brother comes and kills the dragon and saves her.  She moves on to the next person and tells the exact same story (word for word), all the way around the table.  Her brother is always her hero.

I know just how she feels. 

Our "Troop."

I finally got him to smile.

Isn't she lovely?


"Once about a time..."

The little family that's sacrificed so much.

My turn.

The pants tucked into the boots.
He is so brave.  He has made so many sacrifices.  He is home and safe.  I am so thankful.  He is my hero.

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