I bet you guys want an update about my date with Mr.
He was, alas, not perfect.
I had a perfectly great time. He was perfectly normal. Handsome. A
perfectly cool guy. I think that
may be my longest first date on record.
We went to a baseball game and then after that I did not turn into a
pumpkin (as I normally would) and we went and got something to eat. He was a perfect gentleman (he got my
car door and he paid). He didn’t
meet all of my criteria, in fact, he didn’t meet two of my major three. But, I had such a good time (we never
ran out of things to talk about) that I was willing to overlook my list and try
again. He said he wanted to see me
again. We even talked about
possibilities for this week. But,
as I write this on Wednesday night, exactly a week after, there has been
perfect radio silence. So, there
you have it. Easy come, easy go.
A perfectly ordinary dating story… The dude didn’t call, and I have no idea why.* After last weeks’ post, though, he will
join the Spitter in the ranks of
the Attribute Men (whose names I don’t remember) as “Mr. Perfect.”