Monday, February 28, 2011

Insert Catchy List Title Here

Here’s another list of things that are making me happy.  I need to start a regular column for this, but I haven’t thought of a catchy title. 

  • ·      You know how I said that I would have dramatically changed my hair by now?  I thought about doing something VERY different, but I decided I did like being blonde.  When I had to go see someone new for my color appointment last Friday, I told her my dilemma and she suggested we do platinum.  This has always been my favorite of all the colors my hair has ever been, so I was like “Twist my arm!”  and so platinum it is!  I feel very fabulous!

  • ·      Last night I went to a friend get together/Oscar Party sort-of (really I was pretty much the only one who wanted to watch the Oscars, and they humored me) and we made quesadillas.  I was responsible for bringing cheese, tortillas, cilantro, and sour cream.  I showed up with everything on the list, except I bought parsley.  That’s what you get for sending the widow who doesn’t cook to the grocery store.  The sign said “cilantro” above a mass of green stuff.  How was I supposed to know?  I think it was safeway just being mean, and trying to trick me, but I definitely got some teasing.  We all got a good laugh.

  • ·     I have had lots of people offer to help me move, as that chore is looming it’s ugly head on my horizon, and this makes me feel so loved, because I know how much my couch weighs. 
Um, how do I use "photobooth" again so I can show pictures of my new hair?

Oh, yeah.  Here I am, with my new hair.
Ok, that’s enough procrastinating, I have to pay bills, clean my room, and make 1000 phone calls before my coffee date with my friend this afternoon.  What a glamorous life this blonde bombshell leads!


  1. So fancy! Do you go with one all-over color or highlights too?

  2. Yes, it's one all over color. Actually, it's all-over bleach and a toner. It must not actually be that different looking, because, and I find this hilarious, everyone noticed that I got Arthur groomed but no one noticed that I changed my haircolor. I was like "Yep, he sure did get a haircut..." as I toss my curls around as if to say "and notice anything else?" But I feel fabulous about it and keep looking at myself in the mirror and feel shocked, so that's what counts. xoxo
